Portativ lazerni olib tashlash mashinasi
MNLT Portative Lazer sochlarni olib tashlash mashinasi: ixcham, yuqori ishlash va og'riqsiz. TEC sovutish xususiyatlari, 2000W AQShning izohli lazer, safir sovutishning uchi va premium italyancha komponentlar. Mobil klinikalar uchun juda mos!
Zavod narxi 1470nm 980nm diod uskunalari LSSER lipolizi vazer lipoliz mashinasi
The 980nm 6 + 1 diode laser therapy device uses a 980nm wavelength semiconductor fiber-coupled laser for vascular removal, nails fungus removal, physiotherapy, skin rejuvenation ,eczema herpes, lipolysis surgery ,EVLT surgery or other surgeries. Bundan tashqari, u muz siqish funktsiyalarini ham qo'shadi.
1470nm & 980nm 6 + 1 Diode Lazer mashinasi
Treatment theory: The 1470nm & 980nm 6 + 1 diode laser therapy device uses 1470nm and 980nm wavelength semiconductor fiber-coupled laser for vascular removal, nails fungus removal, physiotherapy, skin rejuvenation , eczema herpes, lipolysis surgery ,EVLT surgery or other surgeries. Bundan tashqari, u muz siqish funktsiyalarini ham qo'shadi. Yangi 1470nm yarimo'tkazgichli lazer to'qimada kamroq yorug'likni pasaytiradi va uni teng ravishda va samarali tarqatadi. It has a strong tissue absorption rat... -