Mahsulotlar yangiliklari
3 ta go'zallik muolajalari yozda xavfsiz qila olasiz
1. Microneedle Microneedling—a procedure in which multiple small needles create tiny lesions in the skin that stimulate collagen production—is one method of choice to help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin during the summer months. Siz skangizning chuqur qatlamlarini fosh qilmaysiz ...Ko'proq o'qing -
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Portativ 808nm Diode Lazer sochlarni olib tashlash mashinasi narxi
1. Portability and Mobility Compared with traditional vertical hair removal machines, the portable 808nm diode laser hair removal machine is significantly smaller and lighter, making it easy to move and store in various environments. Bu go'zallik salonlarida, kasalxonalar yoki uyda, u ...Ko'proq o'qing - Professional diode laser hair removal technology brings unparalleled results and customer satisfaction to the beauty industry. Kompaniyamiz go'zallik mashinalarini ishlab chiqarish va sotish bilan 16 yil davomida sotish bilan shug'ullanmoqda. Yillar davomida biz hech qachon innovatsiya va rivojlanishni to'xtatmaganmiz. Bu kasb ...Ko'proq o'qing
- Yuzaki sochlarni olib tashlash - bu innovatsion texnologiya bo'lib, bu kiruvchi yuz sochlarini uzoq muddatli echimni ta'minlaydi. It has become a highly sought-after cosmetic procedure, providing individuals with a reliable, effective way to achieve smooth, hair-free facial skin. An'anaga ko'ra, bunday usullar ...Ko'proq o'qing
Sochni olib tashlash uchun lazerni olib tashlashi qanday ishlaydi?
Diode laser hair removal technology is favored by more and more people around the world because of its excellent advantages such as precise hair removal, painlessness and permanence, and has become the preferred method of hair removal treatment. Diod Lazer sochni olib tashlash mashinalarida olib tashlangan mashinalar ...Ko'proq o'qing -
808 Diod Sochni olib tashlash mashinasi narxi
With the development of science and technology and people's pursuit of beauty, laser hair removal technology has gradually become an important part of the modern beauty industry. Bozordagi mashhur mahsulot sifatida diodning 808-sonli narxi har doim m ni jalb qildi ...Ko'proq o'qing -
Go'zallik salonining egalari qanday qilib dioddagi sochlarni olib tashlash uskunasini tanlaydilar?
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Konfiguratsiya yangilanish! Terapiya terapes terapes mashinasi bir vaqtning o'zida ishlaydigan uchta tutqichni amalga oshiradi!
We can't wait to share with you that in 2024, with the unremitting efforts of our R&D team, our endospheres therapy machine has completed an innovative upgrade with three handles working simultaneously! Biroq, hozirgi kunda bozorda boshqa roliklar birgalikda ishlaydigan ikki tutqichda, ...Ko'proq o'qing - In the field of beauty, laser hair removal technology has always been favored by consumers and beauty salons for its high efficiency and long-lasting characteristics. Yaqinda sun'iy razvedka texnologiyalarini chuqur qo'llash bilan Lazer sochni olib tashlash maydoni oldindan olib tashlandi ...Ko'proq o'qing
- This Emsculpt machine has the following multiple advantages: 1、New high-intensity focused magnetic vibration + focused RF 2、It can set different muscle training modes. 3, 180-Radian-rol o'ynaydigan dizaynni yaxshiroq ishlashni osonlashtirib, sonning egri chiziqqa mos keladi. 4, to'rtta davolash vositasi, ...Ko'proq o'qing
2 ta tanadagi ichki balli slammerapiya
Bugungi band hayotda sog'lom va go'zal rasmni saqlash ko'pchilikka intilishga aylandi. With the advancement of technology, various slimming products are emerging one after another, and 2 in 1 Body Inner Ball Roller Slimming Therapy is undoubtedly the best among them. Bi ...Ko'proq o'qing