

  • 6 chumocer lipolazer 1 ta yirtqich
  • 4D kavital kavilatsiya - tana yupqa rul

    4D kavital kavilatsiya - tana yupqa rul

    Ralang'ochlanish: vazn yo'qotmasdan 2 tagacha hajmgacha kamayadi

  • Mushak tananing qariyb 35 foizi va bozordagi eng kam vazn yo'qotish uchun eng ko'p ballar, faqat yog 'va mushak emas. Hozirgi kunda dumba shaklini yaxshilash uchun faqat in'ektsiya va operatsiyalar mavjud. In contrast, the EMS Body Sculpt Machine uses high-intensity focused magnetic resonance + focused monopolar radiofrequency technology to train muscles and permanently destroy fat cells. The focus of magnetic vibration energy stimulates the motor neurons to continuously expand and contract the autologous muscles to achieve high-frequency extreme training (this kind of contraction cannot be achieved by your usual sports or fitness exercises). 40.68mzz radio chastotasi issiqlikni issiqroq chiqaradi va yoqadi. It increases muscle contraction, double-stimulates muscle proliferation, improves the body's blood circulation and metabolic rate, and at the same time maintains a comfortable temperature during the treatment process. Ikki turdagi energiya mushaklarni kuchaytirish, terini tortadigan va yog 'yoqish uchun mushak va yog' qatlamlariga kiradi. Mukammal uch effektga erishish; the energy pulse of the 30-minute treatment can stimulate 36,000 intense muscle contractions, helping fat cells to metabolize and break down.

  • 1 ems termal theoskine-ning eng yaxshi afzalliklari 4,0 tezkor mashinasi

  • Trstlptpt Tomos-ni flexi

  • Wryoskin - bu invaziv bo'lmagan texnologiya emas, ularda yog 'hujayralarini muzlatish va yo'q qilish va yog' kamaytirish uchun sovutish texnologiyasini ishlatadi. Bu og'riqsiz va botoksga qaraganda ancha samarali. It is used to burn fat cells, boost collagen production and improve the skin's appearance.

    O'zingiz xohlagan narsani yeyayotgan kunlarni eslang va bizning belimizda bir dyuym farqni sezmayotgan kunlarni eslaysizmi? O'sha kunlar uzoq davom etmoqda. Ammo bu bizning tonli va yosh ko'rinadigan tanamiz o'tmishda butunlay qolishi kerak degani emas. Advances in science and technology have brought forth efficient, convenient ways to restore our youth and help us to look and feel like we're back in our late teens or early 20s. Xo'sh, siz buni to'g'ri deb bildingiz; Bu kredvinning jozibasi.